Monday, August 5, 2013

HL7 standards for Healthcare Industry

Just a quick note, if you work with Healthcare industry, you should be fully aware of information that the following organization provides.


Number of useful standards and reference information models. Most of the technology vendors like Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, etc. provides compatibility with these standards.

HL7 standards are grouped into reference categories:

  • Section 1: Primary Standards - Primary standards are considered the most popular standards integral for system integrations, inter-operability and compliance. Our most frequently used and in-demand standards are in this category.
  • Section 2: Foundational Standards - Foundational standards define the fundamental tools and building blocks used to build the standards, and the technology infrastructure that implementers of HL7 standards must manage.
  • Section 3: Clinical and Administrative Domains - Messaging and document standards for clinical specialties and groups are found in this section. These standards are usually implemented once primary standards for the organization are in place.
  • Section 4: EHR Profiles - These standards provide functional models and profiles that enable the constructs for management of electronic health records.
  • Section 5: Implementation Guides - This section is for implementation guides and/or support documents created to be used in conjunction with an existing standard. All documents in this section serve as supplemental material for a parent standard.
  • Section 6: Rules and References - Technical specifications, programming structures and guidelines for software and standards development.
  • Section 7: Education & Awareness - Find HL7's Draft Standards for Trial Use (DSTUs) and current projects here, as well as helpful resources and tools to further supplement understanding and adoption of HL7 standards.

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